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The Institute for Early Childhood Professionals offers early care and education professionals – like you – a wide variety of opportunities to enhance the impact you are making in the lives of our community’s children.

The Institute for Early Childhood Professionals

a division of the Early Learning Coalition of Hillsborough County

Attendance and CEU Policies

Please review the below policies prior to registering for training.


To honor and respect the professionalism of instructors and others, participants should be ready to attend learning events at the time advertised. Participants arriving more than 15 minutes late WILL NOT BE ADMITTED TO THE SESSION. Participants leaving before the conclusion of a learning event will not receive credit for attending.


Continuing Education Units (CEUs) may be awarded for all learning events three hours or longer in duration. Learning events less than three hours will be awarded in-service hours upon completion. CEUs will be awarded upon successful completion of the learning event. In order to successfully complete the learning event, learners must arrive on time, attend all required sessions, be an active participant and complete any and all related assignments or surveys as defined by the trainer/instructor. Online training must have an engagement score of 75% or more.
Any required assignments or surveys will be outlined in the Training Description within this catalog and on our online platform. Learners are encouraged to contact trainers/ instructors with any questions and/or clarification needed regarding the successful completion of assignments or surveys. In-service hours will be awarded in place of CEUs if the learner does not meet the requirements of successful completion as defined by the instructor/trainer.